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Master Plan Matrix

1c. Develop and implement management plans to protect natural resources

Friends of Center Park have annual Horticultural Plans to protect the soil and plantings at Center Park

North Boundary entrance
5d. Encourage shared programming ...

Free gardening classes are offered weekly from April to November. The Council on Aging and Human Services and the Carlisle Recreation Commission work with the Massachusetts Master Gardeners to promote the classes and register students

15. Establish an environmental sustainability...15b Develop a comprehensive education program...

The free Gardening Classes at Center Park teach best practices for soil health, composting, and plant choices for our harsh Carlisle winters, erratic rainfall, and hot summers. While some establish plantings at Center Park are not native, almost 100% of new plants are now US natives, which are good for the environment.

Yellow Coneflower_edited.jpg
3. Support the Town's cultural and historic resources and activities 

Friends of Center Park has been awarded several Carlisle Cultural Council grants to events at Center Park and will continue to seek further grants to promote future cultural events for adults and children, e.g. Outdoor Benching for Woodland Gardens

7c. Develop a planned preventative maintenance strategy for Town buildings, land, etc

Carlisle Center Park is well maintained by both the Carlisle DPW and the volunteers organized by Friends of Center Park.

Drop-in Gardening September 26, 2022
19c. Promote environmentally sensitive and sustainable agriculture, gardening and lawn...

Invasive plants have been removed and replaced by native shrubs and perennials. 

21. Foster opportunities for intergenerational spaces, services and programming

Events organized by Friends of Center Park and outside community groups, such as the Cub Scouts pictured below are encouraged, promoted, run, and scheduled by our Events Director at FOCP.

Winter, spring, summer fall. Lots of activity goes on year round at Carlisle Center Park.

Tree Tapping Demo organized by Friends of Center Park

A large and active compost pile is tucked into the back corner at Center Park

If there are too many weed seeds, vines that can regenerate from the stems, thorns or poison ivy we "solarize" them in large trash bags instead of putting them on the compost pile. These get used in a few years, buried under the ground to enrich the soil without encouraging vigorous weeds.

24. Encourage and support community engagement, resident participation and volunteerism

Friends of Center Park is run by volunteers who raise funds, create and promote events, maintain existing planting beds and create new Woodland Garden beds and benches to benefit Carlisle residents and other park visitors.

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Thank you DPW for giving us piles of wood chips to lay out onto our woodland pathways

Carlisle Center Park is well maintained by both the Carlisle DPW and the volunteers organized by Friends of Center Park.

Sometimes just a quiet space is enough for our visitors to enjoy Center Park

Stone benches, shade, and a calming colors.

South Boundary.jpeg

Physical address: Center Park, 42 Lowell Street, Carlisle, MA

Mailing address: Friends of Center Park, Inc., P.O.Box 55, Carlisle, MA 01741

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