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Carlisle Garden Club awarded a Carlisle Cultural Grant to benefit Carlisle Center Park

Alison Saylor

Mar 17, 2023

Two events on "Choosing and Planting Native Perennials to Attract Humans and Pollinators"

A component of the Carlisle Garden Club's Country Garden Tour this year will be the Plant Sale that features plants grown locally for sale plus the pick-up of native perennials purchased online. As a special event on Friday after the Garden Tour, the public is invited to see the special perennials chosen for planting at Carlisle Center Park. Ask questions of the garden gurus. How far apart are they planted? Do they need special soil amendments of fertilizer? How tall will they grow? When do they bloom and what color are the flowers? After the tour these special native perennials will be planted at Center Park. Watch and learn or grab a trowel and help to plant them!

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